European Adventure 2024, Day 12: a restful Sunday in Amsterdam.
Excerpts from Dory’s Journal
Photo captions by Stephanie
Poes the cat deigned to appear in a spot of sunlight on the kitchen floor and allowed me to take a photo. (photo: Stephanie)
We needed a slow day, so I let the rest of the family lay out while I went to church on my own at the English Reformed Church, Amsterdam. (photo: Stephanie)
The order of worship was very similar to what I am used to at St. John UCC in Robinson. They do have fancier communion cups, though. (photo: Stephanie)
Day 12, 1:49 PM, July 7th, 2024
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hello! I am currently in the apartment, writing. I am waiting to go to the Antiekcentrum to get a new watch, because the old one is tiny and unfashionable. Anyways, today is a pretty relaxing day. We screened and I ate some toast with cheese for breakfast.
Dory took a picture of his cheese because he thought it looked like a face. (photo: Dory)
Day 12, 8:31 PM, July 7th, 2024
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hello! I am writing to tell you that I purchased a watch. Not a dinky one, with a small watch face, but with a large, easy to read face and manly numbers. One that hopefully, will keep time.
Note: there will be photos of the watch. But for now, some food photos. -SSH
Thomas is extremely fond of this sort of dried sausage. This particular one was coated in dried garlic, so he wanted me to take a picture of it. You can see what it looks like sliced in the strawberry photo below. (photo: Stephanie)
One of my absolute favorite parts of visiting Europe is that the strawberries taste like strawberries are meant to taste! Do you see how red and ripe and juicy and flavorful these are? In the US, the strawberries are almost always picked too early, and they may turn red on the outside, but they are white on the inside and do not taste nearly as good as these. (photo: Stephanie)