European Adventure 2024, Day 14: Watch repair + Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Excerpts from Dory’s journal
Photo captions by Stephanie
Day 14, 12:19 AM, July 9th, 2024
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hello! I have repaired my watch, gotten refills for my fountain pen, and purchased a new fountain pen, all in the span of 60 minutes! Goodbye!
Watchme Amsterdam is the place to go for watch repair in Amsterdam. They replaced the battery, plus they had a wide selection of bands to replace the fake leather one. While we waited for 30 min, we went around the corner to HEMA, a budget department store. (photo: Stephanie)
Admiring his watch on the tram ride back. (photo: Stephanie)
Tasting Dutch herring, a series.
A view out the front doors of the Stedelijk Museum. (photo: Dory)
Day 14, 4:16 PM, July 9th, 2024
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hello! I am on a bench at the moment. I am in the Stedelijk, a modern art museum. I feel crapped out and ready to go to the apartment. However, my dad wants to see a bit more pornography that barely classifies as “modern art” and the NSFW “performance artist” (illegible) torture lover Marina “Artiharm” Abromovic exhibition. Honestly, it is a “exhibit” that will break your virginity in half, and tap dance on it, by the time you finish the “exhibition”. I hate it with all my heart that is not corrupted by all the imagery. It was surprising, but not in a good way. Almost everything here is NSFW. I warn all the virgins out there to stay away from this museum if they want to keep their virginity. I don’t know how people like this stuff!
Shockingly still yours,
Note: OK, so maybe taking a 12 year old to a Marina Abramović exhibit was not the best idea. But in all fairness, she is a legendary, groundbreaking artist, and nudity is in art from all the centuries (we certainly saw plenty in the Rijksmuseum the day before). Dory and I were in this gallery for about 5 minutes, and when he said he really wanted to move on, we did. For anyone interested in learning more about Maria Ambramović, I’ve incuded a TED talk below. -SSH