European Adventure 2024, Day 24: On the Way to Strasbourg
Excerpts from Dory’s journal
Photo captions by Stephanie
We loved being able to see the countryside of the parts of France we drove through. Here we were experiencing slow enough traffic for me to take a photo of a field of sunflowers, but this was unusual. For the most part, traffic moved very smoothly and drivers were more courteous than what I typically experience back home. (photo: Stephanie)
Day 24, 9:38 AM, 19-7-24
Metz, France
Hello! I am currently in the car, and we are going to Strasbourg! Another battle site of the War of 1870, Strasbourg is a town with a lot of heritage. It is also the capital of Europe!
Approaching the memorial. Dory tends to walk faster than the rest of us. The blank white circular sign with a red border means that no vehicles are allowed past that point. (photo: Stephanie)
Just past that little bridge, there was a pond with some really big fish in it. (photo: Dory)
This part of France has mountains, so we got to climb a series of switchbacks to reach the memorial. (photo: Stephanie)
Once at the top, a beautiful view. (photo: Stephanie)
The photo Dory was taking in my photo above. (photo: Dory)
Day 24, 2:23 PM, 19-7-24
Alsace-Moselle Region, France
Hello! I am currently in the Alsace-Moselle region. The Alsace-Moselle Memorial is a museum detailing the history of the region. The WW2 section is particularly disturbing and dark. You first learn about the first annexation, which is much more peaceful and profitable. Then you learn about the second annexation, which is just pure hate and horror. Nazi Germany features.
Photos were not allowed in the memorial. It was an immersive experience of how the region fared during WWII. The Alsace-Moselle region has changed hands several times since the War of 1870. Sometimes it was France, sometimes it was Germany. During WWII, the Nazis annexed the region, and there was an actual concentration camp (Natzweiler-Struthof, indicated with the arrow in my photo here) just across the valley from this memorial. I wish we had known about it earlier, because I would have made sure we had time to visit. (photo: Stephanie)