European Adventure 2024, Day 16: Amiens
Excerpts from Dory’s journal
Photo captions by Stephanie
Day 16, 9:57 AM, July 11, 2024
Ghent, Belgium
We are packing up! Oh, sorry, hello! I am currently packing to go to Amiens. It is exciting! I really don’t have much to say, so bye!
Day 16, 10:22 Am, 11-7-24
Ghent, Belgium
Hello again! I am currently at a coffee and waffle shop. I am not participating in the eating because I have already eaten. But yet, the rest of my family wants to eat, otherwise they would’ve not come here. We are going to Amiens, France. It will be a cultural experience!
Even though we ate breakfast in our hotel room already, we were not going to leave Belgium without eating Belgian waffles, so Vivian and I ate breakfast again. (photo: Stephanie)
Walking in Amiens. (photo: Stephanie)
Day 16, 3:36 PM, 11-7-24
Amiens, France
Hello! I am currently in a cathedral, and it is pretty big. Like, massive. The interior is full of pillars, and looks exactly like a typical cathedral. And no, I do not feel like I am in God’s presence. Anyways, I am going to admire the windows.
Amiens Cathedral is the largest cathedral in France, big enough to fit two of Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedrals. (photo: Stephanie)
(photo: Dory)
(photo: Dory)
Sometimes I make us take a family selfie. Everyone loves it. (photo: Stephanie)